


Die casting mould integrates such know how and technology as casting, mould cooling, and further, cast finishing methods.
Die cast products are used in various field, including areas related to automotive engines, house ware, toys, life style tools. In the future, die cast products will need to be ever more precise, durable, and economical with shorter delivery times. The key to these improvements is mould design, including casting methods, and casting technology.

Design of Die Casting
It has been well established that in a simple die casting die the injected stream travels across the cavity and impinges on opposite wall. It then spreads out along  the cavity wall and finally backfills the entire cavity. In complex dies or those with cores, the flowing mass is more turbulent. This concept of cavity filling is basic to the proper design of these dies.

Gate Location and Size
For a given casting there are many workable gating designs, each more or less approaching the prevailing conditions. In general, a gate is usually placed on an edge from which it can be cleanly sheared, or where its trimming will not impair the casting surface. But gate location also affects the character of the metal flow, hence porosity and surface finish.
One authority advocates a gate at the smallest cross section of the die cavity so that the surface of the casting increases with increasing distance from the gate. This technique creates a better heat balance within the die ; the hotter metal contacts the die surfaces of smaller area and transfers less heat to the die. As the metal flows farther, it cool and transfers less per unit area to the die.  Thus, the total heat input to the die block is more uniform throughout the cavity.
Porosity is most likely to occur where vents are too small or so poorly located that they became blocked by the inflowing metal. To prevent this, some vents should be located as close to the gate as possible to allow air to escape from that part of the cavity which fills last.
Test have shown that venting has an important bearing on the injection speed and casting quality. They indicated that the speed of the entering jet is seldom equal to that of a free jet. When the vents were sealed, the jet velocity was reduced by 50%, and increased injection pressure will not increase filling time unless adequate is provided.
Vents should not exceed about 0.008 in. thickness if fins are to be avoid, but commercial practice uses vents up to 0.016 in. deep. Ejection pin, slides, insert clearances, and the parting line all add to the total cavity venting are. Some designers use a vent area of at least 50% of the ingate area.

Runner design and locations can be varied to meet the needs of conservation or dissipation of heat to maintain thermal equilibrium and appropriate die temperature gradients, Shapes of runner cross sections vary from round to trapezoidal to elliptical; from wide and flat to narrow and thick. If the heat transfer ate of the runner system high, high surface area to volume ratio, the metal is cooled somewhat by the time it reaches the gate. This is advantage for a casting of thick cross section but is poor practice for a thin walled casting because the metal will lose more heat traveling within the cavity, and incomplete fusion and deep striation are likely. In such case, the heat transfer between the runner and cavity can be altered by using a runner more nearly circular in cross section.
In practice most die casting runners are trapezoidal, about two times as wide as they are deep. As they approach a round or square cross section, internal porosity is more likely to appear.

Sprue Pin
In edge gate cavities, which are typical of cold chamber machines, the sprue is merely a small appendage to the main runner and has little influence on metal floe or thermal equilibrium within the die . In center gate dies for zinc, however, the sprue may have considerable influence on the thermal balance within a die block. Heat transfer from the sprue depends upon the contact area between the sprue pin and the cast metal. A slender sprue pin present a small heat absorption mass and consequently, because of friction, the sprue pin tip may reach temperatures equal to or greater than the injection temperature of molten alloy. This impedes solidifications at the gate. Therefore, it is better to use a well splayed sprue of large diameter in conjunction with a blunt conical sprue pin.  Thus, an adequate cross section can be maintained with a relatively thin walled sprue. This design allow the sprue o water cooled, so a better die block temperature gradient can be maintained because a large proportion of heat dissipated from the injected metal  is absorbed by the spue pin an less passes to the adjacent die cavity.

Die casting materials must be resistant to thermal shock, softening, and erosion at elevated temperatures. Of lesser importance are heat treatability, machinability, weldability, and resistance to heat checking. The performance of die materials is direcly related to the injection temperature of the molten alloy, the thermal gradients within the die, and the production cycle. Tool steels of increasing alloy content are required as the injection temperature of the molten alloy and the thermal gradients within the die increase, and the production cycle becomes shorter. Dies  for use with zinc can be prehardened by the manufacturer in a range of Rc 29-34. The higher melting alloy require hot work tool steel.

hopefully the above can make inputs, and technical development of the world is more excited, thank you for your attention.

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